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Spay or neuter surgery is included with the adoption of all dogs and cats.

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This is Nala, she’s a one year old mixed breed that came to us from a center on the mainland.

Nala is a very friendly dog with everyone she meets, she loves to say hello to everybody. She has some basic training but would definitely benefit from training classes just to build up her confidence and to help her settle as she currently is very excited by everything being so young.

She likes to meet other dogs and is very friendly. Often she will wander over say hello and then wander off but she does also enjoy playing with them but she can struggle understanding when other dogs don’t want to play with her. Due to her excitable nature we think she’d be suited living with children of secondary school age and older as her spacial awareness isn’t always the best.

If you feel you could offer Nala her forever home then please fill in an online application form.

My personality

  • I need training how to sit nicely (and then I can master the rest)
  • I could live with children of secondary school age
  • I can be left alone for short periods
  • I get on well with many other dogs
  • I’d prefer not to live with a cat
  • I’m always on the go
  • I need to learn how to play

Would you like to adopt Nala?